Your 2024 Annual Passcard expired October 15, 2024. HANG ON TO YOUR CARD - YOU WILL BE ABLE TO REACTIVATE THE CARD FOR 2025! Please note the last 7 digits from the back of your passcard with your renewal payment:
RENEWING YOUR PASSCARD: To help you renew your Passcard, we need some quick information from you. Please click here to send us an email to District Contact with your Name, Mailing (Service ) address, and the Last 7 digits of the annual Passcard (Account Number). Once we receive this information, we will reach out and confirm your renewal information.
Payment By Mail
If paying by check or money order through the mail, please send all payments to the address above. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE LAST 7 DIGITS FROM YOUR ANNUAL PASSCARD - WE MUST HAVE THESE NUMBERS TO PROGRAM YOUR CARD FOR RENEWAL.
A drop box is located near the Coke machine in the side of the boat ramp office building. Please make sure your payment envelope completely drops into the slot. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE LAST 7 DIGITS FROM YOUR ANNUAL PASSCARD - WE MUST HAVE THESE NUMBERS TO PROGRAM YOUR CARD FOR RENEWAL.
Payment Through Financial Institution Online Bill Pay
Many financial institutions such as major banks offer their customers the ability to pay their bills via an online bill payment service (through your bank's website). Normally, these services debit the customer's checking or savings account to pay the bill. Depending on the financial institution, they may or may not charge a fee for the service. Payments may take up to seven business days to post to the customer's account. Please consult with your bank for more information. MAKE SURE TO CALL US US WITH LAST 7 DIGITS FROM YOUR ANNUAL PASSCARD - WE MUST HAVE THESE NUMBERS TO PROGRAM YOUR CARD FOR RENEWAL.
PAYMENT BY PAYPAL: Please contact [email protected] to receive invoice from Paypal for renewal.
Payment Address
Little Walnut Creek Conservancy District
P.O. Box 543
Greencastle, IN 46135